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We’ve been a part of the The Wonderful Company family since 1979, bringing together a nationwide network of neighborhood florists to become the world’s largest flower delivery service. We were the very

first to offer high-quality fresh flowers in unique keepsake gift vases. And we continue to lead
the industry in quality by working directly with
our florists to hand-arrange and hand-deliver
every bouquet.

We’re a sustainable network of locally owned florists—small businesses that help build strong communities by keeping our neighborhoods vibrant and contributing to local causes. Teleflora provides innovative marketing, education and technology to make sure our thousands of member florists get the resources they need to thrive.


When you receive a Teleflora bouquet, you'll immediately feel the love and care that went into it. That’s because our skilled florists personally put together every arrangement. They take pride in going above and beyond to make sure everything is perfect.


Having a network of local florists gives us another big advantage—we personally deliver our bouquets to our customers. In response to COVID-19, we are utilizing contactless delivery to ensure the safety of our florists and your loved ones.


At Teleflora, we want our bouquets to bring happiness for years and years. That’s why we create our own unique keepsakes to hold the flowers.

For the past 12 years, we’ve sponsored “Make Someone Smile® Week.”

Together with thousands of local florists, we deliver more than 30,000 bouquets to hospital patients, children in foster care, nursing home residents and others who could use a little extra joy. This is just one of the ways Teleflora helps give back to our communities. In addition, we’re also an active supporter of Stand Up to Cancer, the Breast Cancer Research Foundation and the Prostate Cancer Foundation.

Since 2007… we’ve sponsored “Make Someone Smile® Week.” Together with thousands of local florists, we deliver more than 30,000 bouquets to hospital patients, children in foster care, nursing home residents and others who could use a little extra joy. This is just one of the ways Teleflora helps give back to our communities. In addition, we’re also an active supporter of Stand Up to Cancer, the Breast Cancer Research Foundation and the Prostate Cancer Foundation.
